Centrum Kulturalne Jean-Marie Tjibaou i Numea

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Numea, Nowa Kaledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 41.45.45
Hjemmeside: www.adck.nc
Latitude: -22.2564551, Longitude: 166.4814942
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Kommentar 5

  • indah nuria Savitri

    indah nuria Savitri


    One unique place where you can learn more about the history of New Caledonia and their independence struggle as well as the life of the indigenous Kanaki People. Very interesting museum and cultural center Jean-Marie Tjibaou was really an important figure in the history of New Caledonia and this beautiful place celebrated his tremendous works in advancing the life of the Kanaki people and peace. Take a stroll in the garden, the path that has been prepared to show you the Kanaki’s way of life. When we were there, there was a photo exhibition inside the building and it’s wonderful. The building itself is super special. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes, put on mosquitoes repellent especially when you walked outside and enjoy.

  • mata tini

    mata tini


    Un endroit à visiter absolument si vous allez sur la Nouvelle calédonie, ne serait ce que pour connaître d'avantage la culture kanak, sa faune, son histoire...L'architecture des bâtiments est unique et impressionnante, la visite guidée est à privilégier.

  • Vighnesh Murthy

    Vighnesh Murthy


    Not enough food at the cafe to feed visitors, absolutely ridiculous. Additionally the exhibits were thoroughly underwhelming. Do not recommend.

  • Savchenko Petr

    Savchenko Petr


    This is a big and pretty historical place in Noumea. If you wanna understand roots of locals it is must have to visit. Monuments with genitalias, local dances, old houses, art and lagoon

  • Jay Cadmen

    Jay Cadmen


    Simply stunning. Beautifully maintained and staffed by friendly and helpful locals. This piece of architecture by Renzo Piano should not be missed. And it houses interesting and rotating exhibits of local interest too. 8km from the centre of the city, get here by cab or book a round trip for $15 with Wamy outside the Passenger Terminal.

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