Musee De La Ville De Noumea i Nouméa

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39, Rue Jean Jaurès, Nouméa, NC New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 26.28.05
Latitude: -22.2704998, Longitude: 166.4423004
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Kommentar 5

  • philippe jolivet

    philippe jolivet


    Très sympathique visite de ce musée de la ville . La bâtisse est vraiment jolie dans un style colonial . Beaucoup de chose à lire aidant à la compréhension de la nouvelle Calédonie .

  • Jim Donovan

    Jim Donovan


    A good way to spend an hour looking at colonial history of Noumea. Glosses over some of the bad stuff but still worth a visit

  • Dawn Hendrick

    Dawn Hendrick


    This Museum is right in the centre of town adjacent to the Place de Cocotiers - so very easy to find. The building is the old Town Hall and the story of how it came to be a museum is interesting itself. 3 levels of displays and one at the back of the garden depicting the history of tourism on the islands - don't miss this one. Helpful staff greeted us and the cost to enter was absolutely minimal considering the quality of displays. The ground floor is the history of New Caledonia, the basement is World War 1 and what a sad tale of the use of Kanaks to bolster the French Army; the Upper floor is the history of Noumea itself and the use of immigrant labour. There is a paper guide book available in several languages - it is just a pity a few more labels were not translated on some of the exhibits. The garden is full of beautiful plants all labelled in French and English. Highly recommended.

  • Rich R

    Rich R


    Visite sympa sur 3 thèmes !

  • Ludwig Dresch

    Ludwig Dresch


    Un musée vraiment agréable, trois étages bien différents pour tout savoir sur la ville de Nouméa. De plus le personnel est très agréable et il y'a rarement du monde, c'est un lieu chaleureux où il fait bon apprendre.

Nærmeste Museum:

Musée de la Ville de Nouméa

39, rue Jean Jaurès - Place des Cocotiers, Noumea
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Musée de la Seconde Guerre mondiale

22°16'06.0"S 166°26'21., Voie express n°2 - Route du Nord
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Musée de Nouvelle Calédonie

43 Avenue du Maréchal Foch, Nouméa
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