Le Pacifique i Noumea

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123 Promenade Roger Laroque, Noumea 98800, New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 26.22.00
Hjemmeside: www.nouvata.nc
Latitude: -22.3042594, Longitude: 166.4479592
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Kommentar 5

  • Isaiah Broad

    Isaiah Broad


    Good spot, nice view, pretty decent rooms, and usable WiFi if you know what you're doing. However one of my friends did get gastro after dinner. But pretty good overall.

  • 庭野弘樹



    古い感想になります。 2000年頃に利用した時はパークロイアルホテルって名前だったような・・・。 現在の状況は分かりませんが、 その当時日本語スタッフは居ませんでした。また周辺にお店も少なく、ホテル1階のレストランの料理が美味しくて、滞在に不十分しなかった。 またアンスバータビーチまで道を挟んですぐなのでロケーションも最高でした。

  • Titouan Vibert

    Titouan Vibert


    Chambre propres, agréables , vu sur mer et pas cher. Parfait pour un week-end en amoureux ou semaine en famille .

  • Isolde Kamerman

    Isolde Kamerman


    The Pacifique wing of this resort is the budget section of this resort where you can get relatively cheap accommodation just across the road from the beach. You also get to use some of the other resort facilities such as the swimming pool. Rooms are very basic however and I would rate about 2 star. They are fine if you are not expecting too much, but if you want something more luxurious you can always upgrade to a more expensive roon with a balcony.

  • Todd Wallace

    Todd Wallace


    Firstly, the rooms were terrible. 20 year old televisions and the beds felt about the same age. The pillows were also a disgrace. Not only did they smell stale, I may as well have not used a pillow at all as they provided no support. The bathroom was horrible and I ensured I wore thongs throughout every part of the room. The bottom of the shower had been ripped up & a wooden base put down in place. Not only this, there was mould throughout the shower and the bathroom floor. I would recommend anyone look elsewhere for a place to stay, unless you like places that feel like they haven't been cleaned in over a decade. Unfortunately, I cannot say one positive thing about my experience. Not even the Service. I am aware that I was in a French speaking country, but my visit was for business and if the local community expect tourists to come, than they had better be more accommodating to foreigners.

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