Hôtel-Restaurant Hibiscus i Koné

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Route Principale, A Gauche, Entrée Sud du Village, Koné 98860, New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 47.22.61
Hjemmeside: www.hotelhibiscus.nc
Latitude: -21.0624549, Longitude: 164.8622767
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Kommentar 5

  • Christoph Hermann

    Christoph Hermann


    The hotel is okay. The evening menu of the day was not good. The meat was tough. The internet connection is almost not there. Thumbs up for the pool. Try to get a room at the back side remote from the pool.

  • Raphael S.

    Raphael S.


    The staff is very friendly, and the facilities are clean and beautiful. Well sorted bar, too.

  • Karl Belanger

    Karl Belanger


    Food is excellent but quite pricey.

  • Howard Cheetham

    Howard Cheetham


    Lovely place to catch your Zen after a long drive from Noumea

  • Piyush Shah

    Piyush Shah


    Beautiful boutique hotel, we got the package with the microlight flight, and it was really good value. There's also a rooftop hammam. And the breakfast is very, very good. Individual pot-set yoghurts, set to chilled perfection.

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