Coconut Palm Square i Noumea

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Noumea, New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687
Latitude: -22.2709538, Longitude: 166.4416665
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Kommentar 5

  • Matthew Lee

    Matthew Lee


    Island was a little dirty, but free Wi-Fi was available. A nice experience, but once is enough.

  • Ramses Thimoumi

    Ramses Thimoumi


    Nice place, kind of relaxing, but the crowd that is hanging around this place isn’t that relaxing at all though. There are people yelling around and a lot of drunk and homeless people. Other than that the scenery is nice and you can take few pictures around as well.

  • Kent Dutton

    Kent Dutton


    A pretty public park. On the Thursday we were there there was a large artist and artisan market. A lot of colour and noise. It had a very. Lively atmosphere, we would have loved to have had more time there.

  • john ryan

    john ryan


    I was there on a Thursday and it was really nice to enjoy the wide range of stalls, art and even some artists in action. The key for me was also the free wi-fi. You do need go to the red tent near the fountain to get access if you dont have text or email active on your phone.

  • Dawn Hendrick

    Dawn Hendrick


    Very large area covered with huge trees. Buildings include a rotunda at one end and water fountain with other miscellaneous statues. On hot days this area is a welcome reprieve surrounded by many shops and eateries. The Town Hall museum is also adjacent and well worth a visit. The Information Booth has friendly staff willing to help you with the answers to any question in a number of different languages. Top spot to visit whether you have a little time or whenever you visit the CBD area.

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