Aquarium of the Lagoons i Nouméa

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61, Promenade Roger Laroque, Nouméa, NC New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 26.27.31
Latitude: -22.3025453, Longitude: 166.4383771
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Kommentar 5

  • Micheline Robinson

    Micheline Robinson


    I enjoyed the talk with the turtles but was saddened that one of the octopuses was put into a very small aquarium. It looked distressed. They are extremely intelligent beings and was hard to witness its fight for freedom.

  • zoe brown-ormsby

    zoe brown-ormsby


    This is a great place to take your family lots of different fish to look at. Turtles tank a bit underwhelming. But I would recommend this place when you visit

  • Luin Vanargand

    Luin Vanargand


    Great place, not too expensive, and the vast variety of sea creatures they have is amazing. The tour lady answered every questions I've got and they are very warm to us. You're going to be okay even if you don't speak French. I love the turtles. Place's very clean

  • Luke Learmonth

    Luke Learmonth


    Came from a cruise from Sydney Australia and was not disappointed. The vast variety in species of fish and sharks was incredible to watch. I swear I could’ve stayed there to watch for hours on end. The kind tour lady was very informative and answered almost every question you could have possibly asked. The turtles was my favourite part.

  • Lydia Stjepanovic

    Lydia Stjepanovic


    Great place to visit especially with kids. Well priced and affordable for the whole family. They have a variety of sea life and a dedicated turtle pond. All the signage is in French and English, and all the staff can help you even if your not a French speaker. A must see for any family travelling through the area

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