Les Petits Choux i Nouméa

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32, Rue du Général Gallieni, Nouméa, NC New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 43.90.01
Latitude: -22.2725979, Longitude: 166.4389121
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Kommentar 5

  • Avis NC

    Avis NC


    + : Very nice food - : Expensive

  • Mark Paulton

    Mark Paulton


    Not much else on offer on the island that resembles a coffee. It's better than our cruise ship but is a tad on the pricy side. Good to have something different though.

  • Steve Hurwitz

    Steve Hurwitz


    My partner and I had amazing toasted paninis here. It was very popular on NYE. They also had heaps of fresh pastries, baguettes etc in offer.

  • scottie82



    Very nice food. Friendly staff

  • Sophia Ioannidis

    Sophia Ioannidis


    Product: 2/5 stars. Pretty average cakes and baked goods. We went because it was recommended to us. We went in the afternoon and everything was extra chewy/stale. It sits there all day. I’d compare it to a local Australian bakery Service: 0/5 stars. We waited there for almost 30mins trying to get served. We were waving our hands, making eye contact and calling them but were ignored. They served at least 8 customers (who arrived after us) before they paid us any attention. The place is small enough for all 3 staff to have noticed us. When they finally took our order, they purposely screwed up the order and then pretended not to speak English when we tried to correct it. Disappointing experience in Noumea. Not sure if racism had anything to do with it but I was the only non-white customer in the cafe and all the Caucasian customers were served before me. :(

Desværre, der er ingen steder i Cafe Ny Kaledonien

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