Hôtel Le Lagon i Nouméa

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149 route de l'Anse Vata, Nouméa 98800, Neukaledonien
Kontakter telefon: +687 26.12.55
Hjemmeside: www.lelagon.nc
Latitude: -22.300991, Longitude: 166.445248
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Kommentar 5

  • Phillip Thompson

    Phillip Thompson


    Fantastic Hotel with beautiful staff. Located short walk to everything. Will certainly be back.

  • Gabriel PINHEIRO

    Gabriel PINHEIRO


    Un chouette hôtel. Les chambres sont plutôt sympa et confortables. Le personnel est d'une gentillesse incroyable. Hotel très bien situé à quelques dizaines de mètres de la plage. Je recommande grandement cet établissement.

  • 谷内亜也女



    スタッフがフレンドリーで話しやすい。 部屋の冷蔵庫が空っぽは良しとして、フロント階にもビール等のアルコールが無い(涙) summer seasonに泊まったので、喉カラカラで残念でした。 法律上の制限あるようで、アルコールに関しては 街で買える時間帯や曜日などが限定されているそう。

  • Febe Deeming

    Febe Deeming


    We stayed in a standard one room bedroom apartment. A good option if you are considering self catering to save on food costs. It's a short walk to the beach and the Promenade (restaurants etc), and 2 blocks away from a brilliant patisserie and 2 dairies/corner stores. A short bus ride (catch bus 70 from a few metres down the road, 210xpf) takes you to the Simply supermarket. Bus 10 and 11 from the promenade take you to the markets at Port Moselle - also 210xpf per adult. Good air-conditioning a pleasant relief from the heat outside. Bathroom has no provided shampoo and no towel rack, but is fine. Kitchenette was pretty well set up with microwave, kettle, dishes, cutlery, chopping board and a sharp knife. (no can opener). Pool, although small, is nice and has a baby pool as well. Spa and gym seen but not used personally.

  • Alex Savin

    Alex Savin


    Very polite and helpful staff at the reception with proper English who helped us solve some financial issue we had with local restaurant. There are spa and a relatively small swimming pool. Unfortunately, there were no bookings on offer for massage since apparently the place is very popular not just among tourists but locals as well. Would definitely come back.

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