Hotel Beaurivage i Nouméa Cedex

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7, Promenade Roger Laroque, 98845, Nouméa Cedex, NC New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 26.20.55
Latitude: -22.296094, Longitude: 166.438289
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Kommentar 5

  • James Collins

    James Collins


    Newls renovated, great staff who are very friendly and helpful. Fantastic convenient location.

  • Braxton Scott

    Braxton Scott


    Comfy beds, nice people is always great, and awesome rooms. This is probably one of the best foreign hotels I've been to.

  • Tracey Cole

    Tracey Cole


    Excellent value for money. Rooms large and clean. Staff very friendly and helpful.great location for the Baie des Citron and ask the great restaurants! Only downside was the terrible breakfast. We went elsewhere after trying it 2 times! 😜

  • Karine Richard

    Karine Richard


    We stayed one night there. I really appreciated the location (a few steps from the beach and very close to restaurants and bars). The hotel does not have any pool. Rooms are neat and clean, you can tell a renovation occurred recently. Service is good. You get what you paid for.

  • Ash Miller

    Ash Miller


    great spot to stay, across the beautiful waters. The team were caring and helpful, great spot close enough to modern bars and clubs. Supermarket and the city centre is within easy walking distance and bus stop is on the front door. Worth a visit.

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