Boop's C@fé i Noumea

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20, Rue Eugene Porcheron, Noumea, NC New Caledonia
Kontakter telefon: +687 28.60.70
Latitude: -22.2753838, Longitude: 166.4448506
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Kommentar 5

  • Jean TONIC

    Jean TONIC


    Very friendly small coffee restaurant open all the day, close at 5pm. Good and fresh food, some snacks, short menu. Nice place to chill with a good coffee after lunch. Very friendly and attentive staff. Good Wi-Fi

  • Marcel-Luc CLAUDE

    Marcel-Luc CLAUDE


    Sympathique et efficace.

  • Rich West

    Rich West


    We stumbled across this spot while looking for place to enjoy some coffee. We were surprised to go in and find this an appealing, causal and comfortable cafe. Update: We finally got back to try this place for lunch, and it excellent. To the person who recommended the tuna tartare, thank you; it was wonderful. We also had some excellent quiche.

  • mish guna

    mish guna


    The food was amazing! I read reviews that the tuna tartare was phenomenal so I had to try it! It didn't disappoint! Totally lived up to the hype and then some! The fish was fresh and the portion sizing was generous. Only down side was the staff were not super friendly.

  • Thomas Andre

    Thomas Andre


    Super adresse, toute la carte est délicieuse et le service est adorable . excellent rapport qualité/prix et un restaurant de choix pour goûter le tartare de thon et le poisson perroquet

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